Friday, February 04, 2005


"My life is like a comic book," he lamented, quietly. "A sick, fucked-up comic book."

He leaned back in the black micro-suede office chair. The smiling faces in the picture frames gazed happily at him.

He quickly looked away.

"I just don't get it. Everyone thinks I'm, I don't know, an accountant, or something. But here I am--"

His chain of thought was suddenly broken by a loud 'beep'.

"Mister Brandenbury?" declared the black plastic box on his desk, "There's a phone call for you on line two."
"Thank you, Miss Taylor," he mumbled, half-heartedly.

He gingerly lifted the handset.

"H'lo?" he asked, into the mouthpiece.
"Pierpont? It's Lorelei."
"Oh, hey--"
"Look, I'm just curious..."
"About how long does it take for a tow truck? I mean, usually?"
"I don't know, why?"
"You remember that road-trip I told you about?"
"It was cut short. The car broke down."
"I could send the limo."
"...the traffic is a killer. It won't be fun."
"Well, if you like, I'll send the helicopter."
"That's just a wee bit excessive, now isn't it?"
"Why don't you just call Joe?"

There was a still silence.

"I already did. He won't come get me if he has to find me."
"...why? Where are you?"
"The... uh... somewhere on the Garden State Parkway."

He sighed heavily. "I'll call him."

"Thanks, man," she said, modestly. "I'd call someone else, myself, but the entire point of this exersize is to--"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll call him."
"Thanks. I owe you."
"No problem."

A gentle 'click' resonated through the handset.

He looked at the mouthpeice for a moment, then, slowly, he set it back in its cradle.

He shut his eyes, lifted the handset again, and dialed the number.


He waited.



"Joe's Auto Service. Joe speaking."
"Joe? It's J.P.--"
"J.P.? 'Sup, man?"
"Uh, look, could you do me a favor? Lory is out on the Garden State Parkway, somewhere, and I want you to find her, fix her car, and set her back on her way."
"Aww, c'mon man. I already talked to her. Any normal towing company would charge--"
"I'll pay you twice what you normally get."
"Yes. Now go. Garden State Parkway."
"It's that important, huh?"

Pierpont rubbed his eyes.

"Yes, Joe, it is that important. Fix the car, and get them back on their way.
"Any reason why? I mean, this is, like, official business, right?"
"...we don't want her in the same place for too long. If that means she goes on a road trip--"
"But when did she get a car?"
"It's a used piece of crap she bought from her neighbor for... I think she only paid 400 dollars for it."

Pierpont could tell by Joe's sudden silence that he didn't approve.

"Okay man. I'll find her. Talk to you later."

Pierpont hung up the phone, and rested his head on the desk.

"...this is nuts. I... I should have been... an actuary, or something."

[Chapter iii]

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