Friday, February 25, 2005


"So... who's your friend?"

Lorelei stared blankly at the feet sticking out from under the gray Volvo.

"I beg your pardon?"
"Your friend -- who is she?"
"You mean Midge?"

Joe slid out from under the car. He was grimy; covered with oil.

"Who else would I mean?"

Lorelei shrugged. "You remember all that nonsense from when I got a second job?"

"She was the receptionist."
"So you both quit, and went on a road trip?"
"We were both laid off as the company was filling for Chapter Eleven, thank-you-very-much."

Lorelei glanced out the window, to see Midge smoking a cigarette. Out the corner of her eye, she could see Joe stand up.

"Does she know your secret?"

She stared back at Joe. "Which one?"

He half-heartedly mumbled, "that answers that question," before opening the hood of the car.

"Now, I have a question for you."
"Why did you buy a car this horrible shade of gray?"
"I didn't. It was blue when I bought it. I painted it that color."
"You -- why?!"

Lorelei smirked, evilly.

"It's radar scattering paint."
"...I don't know which scares me more. The idea that you specifically went out and bought this stuff, or the idea that you already had it sitting around the house."

[Chapter vi]

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