Saturday, October 21, 2006


Midge sat on the park bench next to the happy family of tourists.

"Hey, man, listen, umm... I hate to do this, but... you got any cigarettes?"
"No. We don't smoke," the father said.
"Oh. Okay."
"It's a filthy habit."
"Yeah, I know. I haven't actually gotten the chance to buy any in, like, two weeks. I just, um... I need one."

His wife nodded.

"Had a stressful day?"
"Well, my friend and I decided to drive here, and--"
"Where are you folks from?"
"Well, we started in New York, but we got really lost. So we've been on the road for a month."
"Yeah. And, um, she just disappeared, 'cause she says she has something she needs to do."
"Well, I'm sure that after a month together, you guys need some time apart."
"But, that just means something bad is going to happen."
"You really think so?"

There was a pause.

A gentle breeze rustled through the trees.

"Yup. I know it. Lorelei is going to get herself into trouble."
"How do you know?"
"She's Lorelei. It's what she does."

[chapter lxx.]

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